Department Details

Composition of Council

The Rukiga District Council is composed of directly elected representatives that include those representing sub-county constituencies as well as those representing special interest sections of the population.

The Rukiga District Council comprises of:

  • The directly elected Chairperson,
  • Directly elected councilors representing lower local governments,
  • Directly elected Women councilors who must constitute one third of all council members,
  • Two councilors representing youths (between 18-30 years - Male and Female) elected by the youths under the Electoral College system,
  • Two councilors representing People with Disability (Male and Female) elected under the Electoral College system,
  • Two councilors representing the elderly (50 years and above), appointed by the LLG executive committees and approved by the District council.
  • 2 Members of Parliament, who are ex-officio members.
  • 2 directly elected councilor representing workers

District Speaker

The District Speaker of Rukiga is Councilor Akampurira Oscar workers male representative. He was elected to office in January 2021. The Speaker and Deputy Speaker are elected by Council members from amongst themselves as provided for by the Decentralization policy of Uganda since 1992. 

The speaker performs similar functions to those of the Speaker of Parliament, which are consistent with the Local Governments Act cap 243 of the laws of Uganda.

The other duties of the Speaker include presiding at all meetings of the Council. The speaker has overall authority for the preservation of order in the Council and enforcement of rules of procedure of the Council.

The Speaker’s annual Scorecard conducted measures performance with the goal of strengthening accountability and improving the delivery of public services to citizens. The areas of assessment are four: presiding and preservation of order in Council, contact with the electorate, participation in the lower local governments and monitoring service delivery.


District Administration

The Senior Management Team works with the political Leadership to oversee the strategic objectives of Rukiga District Local Government. On the technical side, Rukiga district is headed by a Chief Administrative Officer, appointed by central government. From July 2015 a new Senior Management structure is in place.

Chief Executive

Mr. Begumya Ntarwete Eriab is the Chief Executive of Rukiga District. Since Uganda adopted the Decentralization policy in 1992, up today Rukiga District has been served by three Chief Administrative Officers since its inception in 2017/2018 FY

Our Administrators

The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), is supported by a Deputy and Assistant CAO, Senior Assistant Secretaries and Parish Chiefs. The office is further supported by the, Information Technology Officer, Communications Officer and support Staff.

Purikeia Muhinda Mwine is the appointed Resident District Commissioner (RDC) of Rukiga

District who represents the president and the government in the district. Her duties and responsibilities are as described.

Roles and Responsibilities

a). The resident district commissioner shall:

  1. Coordinate the administration of Government services in the district;
  2. Advise the district chairperson on matters of a national nature that may affect the district or its plans or programmes, and particularly the relations between the district and the Government;
  3. Monitor and inspect the activities of local governments and where necessary advise the chairperson;
  4. Carry out such other functions as may be assigned by the president or prescribed by parliament.

b). The resident district commissioner may:

  1. Sensitize the populace on governmental policies and programmes, and in so doing shall liaise with the district chairperson;
  2. Advise the chairperson to instruct the Chief Internal Auditor to carry out a special audit and submit a report to the council;
  3. Draw the attention of the Auditor general to the need for special investigation audits of the local government council;
  4. Draw the attention of the Inspector General of Government to a need to investigate any cases of mismanagement or abuse of office;
  5. Draw the attention of any relevant line ministry to the divergence from or noncompliance with Government policy by any council with in his or her area of jurisdiction;
  6. In consultation with the speaker or chairperson of a council as the case may be, address the council from time to time on any matter of national importance.

Begumya Ntarwete Eriab is the appointed Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of Rukiga district and he is the head of the public service in the district and the head of the administration of the district council he is the accounting officer of the District.

Functions of the Chief Administrative Officer

  • Be responsible for the implementation of all lawful decisions taken by the District Council;
  • Give guidance to the local government councils and their departments in the application of the relevant laws and policies;
  • Supervise, monitor and coordinate the activities of the district and lower council’s employees and departments and ensure accountability and transparency in the management and delivery of the council’s services;
  • Develop capacity for development and management of the planning function of the district;
  • Supervise and coordinate the activities of all delegated services and the officers working in those services;
  • Have custody of all documents and records of the local government council;
  • Act as a liaison officer between the district council and the government;
  • Advise the chairperson on the administration of the council;
  • Assist in the maintenance of law, order and security in the district;
  • Carry out any other duty that may be assigned by the district council from time to time.

District Chairperson.

Mr. Mbabazi Robert Kakwerere is the District Chairperson of Rukiga. He was elected into office in January 2021. The Chairman, as first citizen of the District, represents Rukiga District Council at Community and civic events. The Chairperson is elected every five years by universal adult suffrage through secret ballot. The Chairperson is responsible to the council and takes precedence over matters relating to the district.

Roles and Responsibilities of a District Chairperson

  1. Preside at meetings of the executive committee of the district;
  2. Monitor the general administration of the district;
  3. Monitor the implementation of council decisions;
  4. Subject to Section 79 of this act and Article 197 of the constitution, monitor and coordinate the activities of the Municipal and Town councils and of other lower local governments and administrative units in the district
  5. On behalf of the council, oversee the performance of persons employed by the government to provide services in the district and to monitor the provision of government services or the implementation of projects in the district;
  6. Coordinate and monitor government functions as between the district and the government;
  7. Perform other functions that may be necessary for the better functioning of the district council, or which may be incidental to the functions of chairperson or imposed on the chairperson by any law.
  8. The chairperson shall abide by, uphold and safeguard the constitution, the district laws and other laws of Uganda and shall endeavor to promote the welfare of the citizens in the district.
  9. The subject to the constitution and this act, the functions conferred on the chairperson may be exercised by the chairperson directly or through elected or appointed officials subordinate to the chairperson.
  10. The Chairperson shall, in the performance of his or her functions, be answerable to the district council.
  11. The chairperson shall make a report to the council on the state of affairs of the district, at least once a year


Welcome to the Rukiga district official website where we will interact and share ideas for the betterment of our home district of Rukiga. The website is an information highway, intended to serve as a medium to inform and highlight the activities and responsibilities of the district. However this site will also provide a platform for ‘reverse communication’, so that we are also able to hear from you.

Further, it is important to note that the website is not replacing our usual modes of communication where we get feedback from the public but rather it will complement the other mediums that are instrumental for effective service delivery.

Indeed, as a district Rukiga intends to enhance the use of technology to spur development and also showcase its immense potential to the world.

Lastly, let this web page become an avenue for us to build a home that we will always cherish.

I thank you all


The District Council is the highest political authority in the district Chaired by the District Speaker and assisted by the Deputy Speaker, with legislative, planning and executive powers. The District Council is a corporate body with perpetual succession and a common seal, and may sue or be sued in its corporate name.